
As of last month, we've lived in Florida for three years. Prior to our migration south, we frequently heard "you'll get lots of visitors." Well, folks, that hasn't quite happened.

Let's tally, shall we? Donna's been here a lot, but then, she is already a Floridian, so she probably is of the mind that SHE is finally getting visitors! I've had three siblings to my house, but they didn't come down here on vacations. An internet message group buddy has become a friend as a result of visiting another person's house, and then he and his wife came out here to see what my builder's handiwork looked like. Jill and her mom stayed at our rental, and Jill has been here, but then, she's a Floridian, too, so that doesn't quite count. Not exactly a long list, is it?

It's not for a lack of extending invites. I've invited several people (some more than others) and have heard more than my share of excuses. I also realized that one friendship was only based on me coming over to WDW and when my free admission dried up, so did the friendship. I gave up extending invites when she came down to WDW every couple of months. Eventually, I gave up on the rest of it, too.

Tomorrow, we'll have visitors. Yay! Joyce, Tim and family are on their way over after spending a week at the Happiest Place on Earth. It'll be great to see them again. The house, however, is not exactly kid friendly, since my two are prone to leaving legos strewn all over the place.

Guess I better get ready-company is coming!


Anonymous said…
Visitors... Well I have seen several blogs about this subject... WE have lived in Pennsylvania, few visitors, Alaska only received vistors who's ticket we paid for, Florida, no visitors and Virginia the same as the preceding. Needless to say, I am certain that Indiana along the Ohio River will not bring us any visitors either. I totally understand the feeling!

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