Suzanne's Soundtrack Sunday

This week, I finally got a copy of my textbook for Issues In Music, the class I am taking to fulfill my ALAMEA requirement for my degree (basically, different cultures) As the professor indicated in the first announcement and syllabus that he didn't care when the assignments were done, so long as everything was completed by 5pm on July 15th, I didn't really look at the assignments.

However, since the book was taking so long from first the college bookstore, then I finally ordered via Amazon, I sent him an email. "There is a substantial amount of the coursework available on Blackboard. You could get a start on those items, then take the tests after the book arrives and you can review the chapters in question."

This made sense, so the night I submitted my Art History assignments, I started viewing the online program and reviewing the supplements to the text. If you'd never taken a music lesson or picked up an instrument, none of it would make sense. However, the first two hours of programming and chapters in the text were basic music theory. Cool. I was enjoying the classical performances, so that was a bonus.

Then I got the textbook and started in on reading the chapters. I popped in the first CD and discovered that disc two didn't come with the book as indicated. Crap. First an email to the book seller, then a look at the track listing for the disc.

Of the 16 tracks listed, I've got 5 (possibly six) of the tracks listed. Not ideal, but when you consider we're talking all classical music, that's probably more than the average student. I turned my attention to the disc I did have. I have more than half of those, albeit different performances (except the E Power Biggs recording-that's identical)

What are the odds? It's not even a case of Ed had some and I had the others-they all were my discs.

The plan is that when I go to pay rent, I'll drag the laptop over to the campus and see if they've got a copy of the book with the CDs in the library. This way, I can copy it to the hard drive for the duration of the class or until the replacement disc shows up from the seller.

Best part? One of the songs? I have two choir recordings in which I sing the Alto for All County and Tenor for the high school choir. I find it pretty cool that "How Lovely Is Thy Dwelling Place" by Brahms, shows up as part of the curriculum of a college class 25 years after those performances.

(Yes, I know that this is "How Lovely are Thy Dwellings", but it is the Brahms piece. The other good recording was the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, and I found it annoying that they took a section that is supposed to be legato and fluid and performed it staccato and nearly march like. It was too jarring, thus the inaccurate wording, but wonderful performance.)


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