Shellac by CND, Thoughts and Pictures

Does a Shellac manicure really last two weeks? Take a look at the comparative image I made in Photoshop:

When you wear a dark color and your nails grow quickly (like mine), you'll need to re-do them every two weeks. You'll be able to stretch out a lighter color longer.

I had visions of hell for the removal of the first coat of Shellac. Mainly because what's out there talks about the acetone on your skin and how it burns. Heck, I had a cut cuticle and it stung a bit, but overall, it wasn't painful at all. Seriously, not painful. The thing that impressed me is that the acetone was on each nail for about two minutes and with a cuticle scraper, Katie was able to get about 95% of the Shellac off of my nails.

When my nails were naked, I took a look and couldn't believe I was looking at my own nails. They looked healthy and seemed strong. I'm definitely keeping up with the Solar Oil 3X a day, because this is the best they've looked in years.

We talked about layering the colors, which you can do, but ultimately, I chose another dark color, because if I've got nails, I want people to see I've got nails. Yet again, one of the colors looked a lot darker on the CND website and it's much nicer in person. Witness Masquerade:

In our initial email exchanges, Katie had told me she had all but one color, and there's a color that's been reported to be back stocked. She joked that she even had black and she could do mine up with it, no waiting. I think that's what endeared me to her, the fact that she'd cracked jokes about giving me the goth treatment.

(Which flashes me back to my brother Socrates wife, who has worn black pinkie fingernails for over 20 years now. All. the. time.)

Katie thinks my nails are suited for black, and she thinks she'll wear me down to put the black on for Halloween. I dunno, two weeks of black?

In any event, I'm really pleased with the results and won over to the Shellac way of life.


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